Our company is ISO9001: 2015 certified. This is the proof of our company’s commitment towards quality control to service our customers with greatest level of consistency.

We create and manage our business by enhancing our human resources’ skills and knowledge with relevant trainings, responding faster to our customers and meeting their expectations.


Quality assurance is an integral part of any company in today’s competitive marketplace, and we take it very seriously. Quality assurance at Apex PlasTech is a three-step process:

  1. Visual inspection is performed by our trained machine operators on every product. The moment it comes out of our machine using the parameters and critical dimensions set by you, our customer, to identify any rejects.
  2. The parts are then randomly inspected once again by our QA personnel in production lines, and any rejects are logged.
  3. Finally, the acceptable parts are boxed, and moved to our quality control department, where they are randomly inspected once again, and the count is verified. The parts are then ready for shipment.
  4. Awards and certificates
  5. Valued customers